Hunts Point Produce Market

November 1st is World Vegan Day

November 1st is World Vegan Day

Now that it is November, people will start getting excited about the food-filled holiday known as Thanksgiving. However, Thanksgiving isn’t the only day of merit in November. November 1st is also World Vegan Day, something celebrated by many throughout the world. Here at E. Armata Inc., our team wants to shed some light on this occasion. If you’re looking to celebrate World Vegan Day this year, we recommended purchasing produce from the Hunts Point Produce Market beforehand.


What Does Being Vegan Mean?

If you’re unaware of what being vegan means, you’re unlikely to appreciate the importance of world vegan day. However, fear not, as our team At E. Armata Inc. would like to break down what that means. Veganism is a diet that avoids any animal-derived ingredients. Vegans also avoid foods processed using other animals as well. Below are all examples of food products that vegans will not consume:

  • Meats.
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products.
  • Refined white sugars.
  • Certain wines.


Benefits Of Being A Vegan

As a leader in the Bronx wholesale vegetable market community, we know how beneficial increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can be for yourself. We’d now like to break down some of the benefits of switching over to a vegan lifestyle. These benefits include the following:

  • Increases the intake of certain nutrients, like potassium and magnesium.
  • Assists with weight loss efforts.
  • It lowers blood sugar levels and the risk of developing heart disease.
  • Improves kidney function.
  • Protects against certain cancers.


Shop At The Hunts Point Produce Market This November 1st

What better way to celebrate World Vegan Day than to spend the day shopping at the Bronx wholesale vegetable market? Our team at E. Armata Inc. distributes the best produce that can be purchased at this location. By avoiding animal-based food products, you’ll be playing a part in honoring something that many people hold near and dear to their hearts, even if it’s just for one day. Additionally, it never hurts to buy some high-quality fruits and vegetables. 


E. Armata Inc. At The Hunts Point Produce Market

From our team here at E. Armata Inc., we want to wish everyone celebrating World Vegan Day this year our best wishes. When looking to buy produce to help prepare for this special occasion, we’ll help. Please contact our team today should any questions on your end arise regarding this special day.