Hunts Point Market Bronx

Unexpected Ways to Incorporate Cabbage into Your Meals

In the realm of culinary versatility, few ingredients hold as much potential as cabbage. Often overshadowed by its more glamorous counterparts, cabbage is a humble yet profoundly adaptable vegetable that can transform ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary experiences. Beyond the confines of traditional coleslaw, cabbage boasts a myriad of applications that can surprise and delight even the most discerning palates. E. Armata Inc. offers a variety of cabbage at the Hunts Point Market Bronx. Join us as we explore the myriad ways to incorporate this unsung hero into your meals, unlocking a world of flavor and creativity.

The Cabbage Renaissance: A Brief Introduction

Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in cabbage as chefs and home cooks rediscover its culinary potential. No longer relegated to the sidelines as a mere garnish or salad base, cabbage has become a versatile ingredient capable of taking center stage in a wide range of dishes. From appetizers to entrees, soups to stir-fries, the possibilities are virtually endless for incorporating cabbage into your cooking repertoire.

Creative Cabbage Creations: Beyond Coleslaw

1. Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Transform cabbage leaves into delicate parcels of flavor by using them as wrappers for a variety of fillings. From savory rice and meat mixtures to vegetarian alternatives featuring lentils or quinoa, stuffed cabbage rolls offer a hearty and satisfying meal that’s as visually stunning as it is delicious.

2. Cabbage Stir-Fry

Elevate your stir-fry game by adding thinly sliced cabbage to the mix. Its crisp texture and mild flavor provide the perfect contrast to bold spices and savory sauces. Combine with an array of vegetables, protein sources such as tofu or chicken, and aromatic seasonings for a quick and nutritious meal that’s sure to impress.

3. Cabbage Kimchi

Delve into the world of fermentation by making your own cabbage kimchi. This traditional Korean dish features cabbage that’s been pickled with a blend of spices, garlic, and chili peppers, resulting in a tangy, spicy condiment that adds depth and complexity to any meal. Enjoy it as a side dish, topping, or ingredient in fusion recipes that marry East and West.

4. Cabbage Soup

Embrace the comfort and nourishment of cabbage soup, a timeless classic that’s perfect for chilly days or whenever you crave a wholesome, satisfying meal. Whether you opt for a simple broth-based version or a hearty stew packed with vegetables and protein, cabbage adds a distinctive flavor and texture that makes each spoonful a delight.

5. Cabbage Sliders

Put a unique twist on the classic burger by swapping out the bun for cabbage leaves. Use large, sturdy leaves as a gluten-free alternative to traditional buns, or opt for smaller leaves to create bite-sized sliders that are perfect for appetizers or party snacks. Fill with your favorite burger toppings and enjoy a lighter, healthier take on a beloved classic.

The Benefits of Cabbage: Nutritional Highlights

Beyond its culinary versatility, cabbage also offers a wealth of nutritional benefits that make it a valuable addition to any diet. Rich in vitamins C and K, as well as fiber and antioxidants, cabbage supports immune function, promotes healthy digestion, and may even reduce the risk of chronic disease. Low in calories and carbohydrates, it’s an excellent choice for those looking to maintain or lose weight without sacrificing flavor or satisfaction.

Conclusion: Embracing the Possibilities

In conclusion, cabbage is a culinary powerhouse that deserves a place of honor in every kitchen. Whether you’re seeking to expand your culinary horizons, boost your nutritional intake, or simply add a touch of creativity to your meals, cabbage offers endless possibilities for experimentation and enjoyment. From stuffed cabbage rolls to cabbage kimchi, there’s no limit to what you can create with this humble yet versatile vegetable. So go ahead, embrace the possibilities, and let cabbage take your cooking to new heights. Contact E. Armata to learn more about our operation at the Hunts Point Market Bronx. 

Best Vegetable Supplier Near NYC

How to Preserve Swiss Chard for Year-Round Enjoyment

With its vibrant hues and robust flavor, Swiss chard stands as a testament to the bounty of nature’s offerings. A versatile and nutritious leafy green, Swiss chard adds depth and vitality to any culinary creation. However, its seasonality can challenge those who wish to enjoy its goodness year-round. Fear not, for we embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of preserving Swiss chard, ensuring its availability and freshness regardless of the season from our best vegetable supplier near NYC. Continue reading to learn more from E. Armata Inc.

Understanding Swiss Chard Preservation Methods

  • Freezing: Freezing emerges as a convenient method to preserve the freshness and nutritional integrity of Swiss chard. Begin by washing the chard thoroughly, removing any dirt or debris. Next, blanch the leaves in boiling water for approximately two minutes, followed by immediate immersion in ice water to halt the cooking process. Once cooled, drain the excess water and pat the leaves dry before transferring them to airtight freezer bags or containers. Properly sealed, frozen Swiss chard can maintain its quality for up to twelve months, offering a taste of summer’s abundance throughout the year.
  • Dehydrating: Dehydration presents another viable option for preserving Swiss chard, allowing for long-term storage without compromising flavor or nutritional value. Begin by washing and thoroughly drying the chard leaves to remove any moisture. Next, arrange the leaves in a single layer on dehydrator trays, ensuring ample space for air circulation. Set the dehydrator to a low temperature, typically around 125°F to 135°F, and allow the chard to dry for six to eight hours, or until crisp. Once fully dehydrated, store the chard in airtight containers away from light and moisture. Dehydrated Swiss chard retains its vibrant color and flavor, ready to enhance soups, stews, and casseroles with a touch of culinary excellence.
  • Pickling: Pickling offers a delightful twist to Swiss chard preservation, infusing each leaf with a tangy and aromatic blend of vinegar, spices, and herbs. Begin by washing and trimming the chard stems, cutting them into manageable pieces. Prepare a brine solution consisting of vinegar, water, salt, and sugar, bringing it to a gentle boil until the salt and sugar dissolve. Meanwhile, sterilize glass jars and pack them with chard stems, along with garlic cloves, peppercorns, and other desired seasonings. Pour the hot brine over the chard, ensuring that it covers the stems completely. Seal the jars tightly and allow them to cool before refrigerating. Pickled Swiss chard develops complex flavors over time, serving as a delightful addition to salads, sandwiches, and charcuterie boards.

Incorporating Preserved Swiss Chard into Culinary Creations

Preserved Swiss chard lends itself to a myriad of culinary creations, enriching dishes with its vibrant color and robust flavor. Frozen chard proves invaluable in soups, stir-fries, and pasta dishes, providing a burst of freshness with every bite. Dehydrated chard adds a delightful crunch to salads, grain bowls, and trail mixes, elevating texture and taste alike. Pickled chard stems offer a tangy contrast to rich cheeses, cured meats, and artisanal spreads, transforming ordinary appetizers into gourmet delights. With preserved Swiss chard at your disposal, culinary creativity knows no bounds.

Elevating Everyday Meals with Seasonal Splendor

Embrace the seasonality of Swiss chard by incorporating preserved varieties into your everyday meals. Whether enjoyed as a hearty side dish or featured as the star of the show, preserved chard brings a touch of seasonal splendor to the table. From comforting winter stews to refreshing summer salads, let the vibrant hues and bold flavors of Swiss chard inspire culinary adventures year-round.

Visit Our Best Vegetable Supplier Near NYC – E. Armata Inc. 

In conclusion, the journey from garden to table extends far beyond the confines of a single season. With the knowledge and techniques to preserve Swiss chard at your fingertips, the delights of this versatile leafy green become accessible year-round. Whether frozen, dehydrated, or pickled, preserved Swiss chard stands as a testament to the art of culinary preservation, enriching dishes with its vibrant color, robust flavor, and nutritional bounty. Embrace the abundance of nature’s harvest and savor the essence of seasonal splendor with every bite. Contact our best vegetable supplier near NYC at E. Armata Inc. today! 

food distributors NYC

Radishes: Exploring Unique Varieties and Flavors

Radishes are often overlooked in the realm of culinary appreciation, but their unique varieties and flavors offer a delightful surprise to those willing to explore beyond the conventional. Please continue reading to learn more about radishes from our food distributors NYC.

The Origin Story of Radishes

Radishes have been cultivated and consumed by various cultures worldwide for centuries. Their journey from the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece to modern-day culinary landscapes is a testament to their enduring popularity and adaptability.

Varieties Galore: Discovering the Diversity of Radishes

  • Traditional Varieties—Radishes traditionally come in a range of shapes, sizes, and colors. From the vibrant red hues of Cherry Belle to the elongated form of French Breakfast, each variety boasts its own unique flavor profile and culinary uses.
  • Heirloom Gems – Delve deeper into the world of radishes, and you’ll uncover a treasure trove of heirloom varieties. These rare gems, often passed down through generations, offer unparalleled flavors and textures that elevate any dish they grace.
  • Exotic Finds – Venture beyond the familiar and explore exotic radish varieties from around the globe. From the striking Watermelon radish with its green exterior and vibrant pink interior to the spicy Black Spanish radish, there’s no shortage of surprises awaiting the adventurous palate.

Flavors That Dazzle: A Taste Sensation

  • Peppery Zing – One of the hallmark characteristics of radishes is their distinctive peppery flavor. Whether enjoyed raw in salads or pickled in tangy brine, this zesty kick adds a refreshing contrast to savory dishes.
  • Sweet Subtlety – Contrary to popular belief, not all radishes pack a punch. Some varieties, such as the aptly named French Breakfast, boast a mild, slightly sweet flavor that pairs beautifully with delicate greens and creamy dressings.
  • Earthy Undertones – For those craving depth and complexity, certain radish varieties offer earthy undertones reminiscent of beets or carrots. These nuanced flavors add depth to soups, stews, and roasted vegetable medleys, creating a symphony of tastes on the palate.

Culinary Uses Beyond the Ordinary

  • Salad Staples – Radishes are a staple ingredient in salads, providing a crisp texture and refreshing flavor that complements a variety of greens and dressings. Whether thinly sliced, diced, or shaved into ribbons, their vibrant presence adds visual appeal and a burst of flavor to any salad bowl.
  • Pickled Perfection – Pickled radishes are a beloved condiment in many cuisines, offering a tangy, crunchy accompaniment to sandwiches, tacos, and rice bowls. Their vibrant colors and bold flavors elevate simple dishes, transforming them into culinary delights.
  • Roasted Revelations – Roasting radishes brings out their natural sweetness and caramelizes their edges, resulting in a savory-sweet flavor that’s utterly irresistible. Paired with hearty root vegetables or served alongside roasted meats, they add depth and richness to any meal.

Conclusion – Food Distributors NYC

In conclusion, radical radishes are a versatile and underrated vegetable that deserves a place of honor in every kitchen. From their diverse varieties to their myriad flavors and culinary uses, these humble roots offer endless possibilities for culinary exploration and innovation. Contact E. Armata Inc. today to learn more from our food distributors NYC. 

wholesale food distributors nyc

Health Benefits of Cara Cara Oranges

In the realm of nutrition and wellness, the quest for the ultimate superfood is an ongoing journey. Today, we unravel the hidden gem that is Cara Cara Oranges from wholesale food distributors NYC. Renowned for their exquisite taste and vibrant hue, these citrus marvels are not only a delight to the palate but also harbor a plethora of health benefits. Join us as we delve into the myriad advantages that make Cara Cara Oranges a must-have in your diet.

Nutrient Powerhouse

Cara Cara Oranges are a veritable treasure trove of vitamin C. With a significantly higher content compared to traditional oranges, they serve as a potent immune booster, aiding in warding off infections and bolstering overall immunity. Furthermore, the antioxidative qualities of vitamin C counteract free radicals, thereby decreasing oxidative stress and supporting cellular health.

Rich in Fiber

Fiber plays a vital role in keeping the digestive system healthy and in regulating bowel movements. Cara Cara Oranges are abundantly rich in dietary fiber, facilitating smooth digestion and preventing constipation. Incorporating these oranges into your daily diet can contribute to a healthier gastrointestinal system and promote a feeling of fullness, thus aiding in weight management.

Heart Health Champion

Potassium is an essential mineral that aids in heart function and the regulation of blood pressure. Cara Cara Oranges are naturally rich in potassium, making them a great option for heart health. Eating these oranges may assist in reducing blood pressure, lowering the risk of stroke, and shielding against heart disease.

Cholesterol Combatant

Elevated cholesterol levels pose a significant risk to heart health. The soluble fiber present in Cara Cara Oranges aids in lowering LDL cholesterol, commonly referred to as the “bad” cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. By incorporating these oranges into your diet, you can take proactive steps toward maintaining optimal heart health.

Skin Rejuvenation

Collagen is the protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. As we age, our collagen production declines, leading to wrinkles and fine lines. With their high vitamin C content, Cara Cara Oranges stimulate collagen synthesis, promoting youthful skin and reducing the visible signs of aging. Regularly consuming these oranges can impart a radiant glow to your complexion, enhancing your overall appearance.

Conclusion – Contact our Wholesale Food Distributors NYC

In conclusion, the health benefits of Cara Cara Oranges are truly remarkable. From bolstering immunity and supporting heart health to rejuvenating the skin, these citrus wonders are a nutritional powerhouse packed with goodness. By incorporating Cara Cara Oranges into your daily diet, you can embark on a journey towards enhanced wellness and vitality. Contact E. Armata Inc. today to learn more from our wholesale food distributors NYC. 

Roasted Cauliflower

Recipe courtesy of


  • 1 medium cauliflower, sliced in small florets, or 1/2″ thick steaks
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • ½ tsp salt, or to taste
  • ¼ tsp ground paprika
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper, or to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 425˚F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Slice the head of cauliflower into 1/2″ thick steaks, breaking up wedges into even, bite-sized pieces.
  3. Add the cauliflower to the center of the baking sheet. Drizzle with the oil and melted butter and toss to combine.
  4. In a small bowl, combine garlic powder, salt, paprika, and pepper for the seasoning. Sprinkle onto caulliflower and toss to evenly coat.
  5. Spread the cauliflower evenly on the baking sheet and bake at 425˚F for 15-20 minutes, until cauliflower reaches desired crispiness.
wholesale produce Philadelphia

The Perfect Onion: Selecting, Storing, and Cooking Techniques for Optimal Flavor

When it comes to enhancing the flavor profile of your dishes, few ingredients are as versatile and indispensable as the humble onion. Whether you aim to add depth to a savory stew, infuse sweetness into a caramelized topping, or provide a fragrant base for soups and sauces, onions from wholesale produce Philadelphia are an essential component of countless culinary creations. However, achieving optimal flavor and texture from this kitchen staple requires more than just tossing it into a pan. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the art and science of selecting, storing, and cooking onions to elevate your dishes to new heights.

Selecting the Finest Onions

The journey to culinary excellence begins with selecting the finest onions available. When perusing the produce aisle, keep the following tips in mind to ensure you choose onions that are ripe, flavorful, and suited to your culinary needs:

Varietal Considerations

Different onion varieties offer distinct flavors and textures, making it essential to select the right type for your recipe. Common varieties include:

  • Yellow Onions: Versatile and widely available, yellow onions are prized for their robust flavor and moderate sweetness, making them suitable for a variety of dishes, from soups to stir-fries.
  • Red Onions: With their vibrant hue and slightly milder flavor, red onions are ideal for salads, sandwiches, and pickling.
  • White Onions: Known for their crisp texture and sharp flavor, white onions are often used in Mexican and Southwestern cuisines, adding zing to salsas, relishes, and guacamole.

Inspection Techniques

When selecting onions, opt for bulbs that are firm, heavy for their size, and free from blemishes, soft spots, or sprouting. Avoid onions with signs of mold, moisture, or excessive bruising, as these indicate spoilage.

Proper Storage for Prolonged Freshness

To preserve the quality and flavor of your onions for extended periods, proper storage is paramount. Follow these guidelines to ensure your onions remain fresh and flavorful:

  • Cool, Dry Environment – Onions thrive in cool, well-ventilated environments with low humidity. Store them in a dry pantry, cellar, or ventilated cabinet away from direct sunlight and sources of heat, such as stoves or appliances.
  • Proper Air Circulation – Allow for adequate air circulation around your onions to prevent moisture buildup and inhibit sprouting. Avoid sealing them in plastic bags or airtight containers, as this can promote spoilage and mold growth.
  • Separation from Certain Produce – Onions emit ethylene gas, which can accelerate ripening and spoilage in certain fruits and vegetables, such as potatoes and tomatoes. Store onions separately from these items to extend their shelf life and maintain freshness.

Unlocking Flavor through Culinary Techniques

Once you’ve selected and stored your onions carefully, it’s time to unleash their full flavor potential through expert culinary techniques. Explore the following methods to achieve optimal flavor and texture in your dishes:

  • Sautéing – Sautéing onions in butter or oil over medium heat caramelizes their natural sugars, imparting a rich, sweet flavor and golden hue to your dishes. To achieve perfect caramelization, slice onions thinly and simmer them, stirring occasionally, until soft and golden brown.
  • Grilling – Grilling onions over an open flame adds smoky depth and complexity to their flavor profile, making them a delectable addition to burgers, sandwiches, and kebabs. Brush onions with oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and grill until tender and charred around the edges.
  • Pickling – Pickling onions in a brine of vinegar, sugar, and spices infuses them with tangy acidity and aromatic complexity, making them a versatile condiment for sandwiches, salads, and tacos. Experiment with different flavor combinations, such as dill, mustard seeds, and chili flakes, to customize your pickled onions to suit your taste preferences. Contact our wholesale produce Philadelphia team to learn more about our selection. 

Elevate Your Culinary Creations with Perfect Onions – Wholesale Produce Philadelphia

By mastering the art of selecting, storing, and cooking onions, you can elevate the flavor and complexity of your dishes to unprecedented heights. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or an aspiring home cook, incorporating these expert techniques will ensure that every onion-infused creation delights the senses and leaves a lasting impression on your palate. Contact E. Armata Inc.’s wholesale produce Philadelphia team to place your order.