Produce Companies in New York

The Best Keto Vegetables

Vegetables are an essential part of any diet. However, not all vegetable choices are ideal for a keto diet. E. Armata Inc. is one of the top produce companies in New York that carries a full selection of high-quality vegetables. Our team would like to share some of the best low-carb vegetables that keep you on track for your diet! Continue reading to learn more! 

What is the Keto Diet?

A ketogenic or keto diet is a high fat, low carb diet that shares similarities with the Atkins diet and offers several health benefits. The keto diet involves dramatically reducing your carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. These can include meat, nuts, healthy oils, fish, and eggs. This diet puts your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. Ketosis can make your body more efficient at burning fat for energy and can cause significant reductions in insulin and blood sugar levels. The keto diet is most known for weight loss, as it is very filling. 

Best Keto Vegetables 

When you picture a keto diet, fresh vegetables from produce companies in New York likely don’t come to mind. This diet is represented mainly by fat, but to ensure your body gets all of the nutrients it needs, you will need to incorporate low-carb keto vegetables too. Having a daily dose of vegetables is a great way to improve your health, but not all vegetables are created equal. Generally, root vegetables contain more carbohydrates, which is not the best for a keto diet. Of course, enjoying a small portion of these vegetables is okay, but high-carb vegetables could take you out of ketosis and make the diet ineffective. The best vegetables for a keto diet are low in carbohydrates and high in nutrients. Here are some of the best keto vegetables available at E. Armata:

  • Asparagus
  • Green Beans
  • Artichokes
  • Bell Peppers
  • Broccoli 
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber

Contact Us

There is no shortage of keto-friendly vegetables available at our produce companies in New York. E. Armata Inc. partners with the leading growers and shippers to bring our customers the highest quality produce available. To learn more about our keto-friendly vegetables or for general inquiries, contact us today!

Strawberry Stuffed French Toast

Recipe courtesy of


Egg Mixture

  • Eggs: 4 large eggs are beaten with half and half to create the egg mixture that soaks and softens the bread.
  • Half and half: Is ideal for the egg mixture but you can also use whole milk.  Try to avoid skim milk if possible, it will deliver the least creamy French toast.
  • Cinnamon: Is a must or French toast!  It adds a fabulous depth of flavor.
  • Vanilla: Is used in both the egg mixture and the cream cheese filling. Use quality extract for the best flavor.
  • For frying:  Butter and a neutral oil such as vegetable oil are both used to fry the French toast to create the tantalizing buttery crust.  The butter adds the flavor and the oil prevents the butter from burning.

The Filling

  • Cream cheese: Is the “cream” in the creamy filling! You’ll need one 8-ounce block that’s very soft so it mixes up smoothly.
  • Powdered sugar:  Sweetens the filling. Don’t use granulated sugar or it will taste grainy.
  • Lemon juice:  Brightens up the filling and compliments the strawberries.
  • Strawberries:  8 ounces, or 1 heaping cup for the filling.  It doesn’t sound like a lot, but you’ll slice the strawberries thinly so the little becomes the perfect amount.
  • Granulated Sugar:  Is mixed with the strawberries so they soften and release some of the juices.


Macerate the strawberries.  We want to soften the sliced strawberries first so they become super sweet and juicy.  To do this, simply add a few tablespoons to the sliced strawberries and stir to evenly coat.  Set them aside to work their magic, preferably 10 minutes, while you make the cream cheese filling and egg mixture.


Make the cream cheese filling.   Add the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, powdered sugar and vanilla extract to a large bowl.  Beat with a hand-held mixer until smooth, scraping down the bowl as needed.


Step 3

Make egg mixture.  Add the eggs, half and half, cinnamon and vanilla to a shallow dish like an 8×8 pan or cake pan.  Whisk thoroughly until combined.


Step 4

Assemble:  Spread a thick layer of cream cheese filling on one side of sliced bread, leaving ¼-inch border all around. Arrange strawberries in an even layer on top of the cream cheese. Spread another layer of cream cheese on a new slice of bread and place it on top of the strawberries (cream cheese side down) to form a sandwich. Repeat to make 5-6 sandwiches total.

Batter:  Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat along with a drizzle of vegetable oil.  Dip one sandwich into the egg mixture and turn to evenly coat then transfer to the skillet. Repeat with a second sandwich.


Step 5

Pan fry: Cook for 2-3 minutes per side, or until golden brown and crispy on each side.  Repeat with remaining sandwiches.  Serve warm!

Produce Distributors in Massachusetts

Is Cantaloupe Healthier To Eat Than Watermelon?

Warm summer weather is right around the corner, and as temperatures rise, our taste buds may crave a slice of melon. Watermelon and cantaloupe are popular snacks and desserts between their low calorie and high water content and sweet flavor. E. Armata Inc. is proud to be among the leading produce distributors in Massachusetts of melons with year-long supplies of cantaloupes and watermelons. If you’re a fan of fresh melon, continue reading to discover the healthiest option! 

Cantaloupe vs. Watermelon

Most people have their favorites when it comes to melons. While each variety of melon contains unique nutritional properties, our produce distributors in Massachusetts would like to focus on cantaloupe and watermelon. Here are some of the key differences between these fruits:


  • Contains more beta-carotene than watermelon.
  • Excellent source of potassium. 
  • Contains more niacin and folate. 
  • Contains more vitamin C than watermelon. 
  • Contains 125% more dietary fiber. 


  • Contains more lycopene than a cantaloupe. 
  • Contains less sodium and more phosphorus. 
  • Watermelon is sweeter than a cantaloupe. 
  • Contains more iron than a cantaloupe. 
  • Contains less fat. 

While watermelon and cantaloupe are both healthy options, cantaloupe surpasses the nutritional benefits of watermelon. When choosing the perfect melon, there are a few things our team at E. Armata Inc. would like you to know. The perfect cantaloupe or watermelon should be firm and heavy for its size to ensure perfect ripeness. If you’re looking for ways to use melons this summer besides eating them raw, here are a few suggestions from our produce distributors in Massachusetts:

  • Add melon to a salad for a sweet touch. 
  • Make refreshing frozen ice pops by pureeing melon with sugar and lime juice. 
  • Infuse your water with melon for a delicious summertime beverage. 
  • Add melon to your smoothie for a sweet, mild flavor. 

Contact Our Produce Distributors in Massachusetts

E. Armata Inc. is well-known in the industry as being a long-time supplier of watermelons, cantaloupes, and other melon varieties. Our long partnerships with growers across the globe have allowed us to serve our loyal customers best. For more health information about melon varieties or other general inquiries, be sure to contact our produce distributors in Massachusetts today!

Produce Companies in New York

Can Watermelon Help Weight Loss?

Watermelon is a delicious summer treat loved by many. While watermelon won’t melt fat away, it can be helpful for weight loss when you add it to a reduced-calorie diet. As one of the leading produce companies in New York, E. Armata Inc. distributes fresh and delicious watermelon to our customers. Continue reading to discover if watermelon can help weight loss and learn more! 

Watermelon for Weight Loss

If you’re looking to lose weight or eat healthier, watermelon has many properties that make it an excellent choice for nutrition. Watermelon is a perfect snack, dessert, and delicious addition to many different recipes. Here are some of the benefits of eating watermelon from one of the top produce companies in New York:

  • Hydrating – As the name suggests, watermelons contain mostly water, which is ideal for keeping your body hydrated. When you become dehydrated, you may experience fluid retention, making your belly appear larger. Watermelon can help you stay hydrated and help you avoid fluid retention. 
  • Low Calorie – Watermelon is a healthy, low-calorie fruit that is cholesterol-free and contains less than a gram of fat. Reaching for watermelon instead of junk foods can help aid in your weight loss. 
  • Filling – Eating foods that help you feel full for longer can help you reduce your portion sizes and help you lose weight. Watermelon is high in fiber, which promotes satiety, and its high water content helps extend the feeling of fullness. 

In addition to aiding weight loss, watermelon contains crucial vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can bolster your overall health and wellness and help your body function better as a whole. Making a conscious effort to swap typically unhealthy foods for healthy fruits can help improve your weight loss efforts. 

Contact Us 

As one of the top produce companies in New York, E. Armata Inc. is the best place to get fresh and delicious watermelon throughout the spring and summer months. Incorporating watermelon into your diet can help with your weight loss and become an exciting addition to a balanced diet. To learn more about our produce selections or for general inquiries about our operation, be sure to contact us today!

Hunts Point Produce Market

What Are The Benefits Of Eating Cranberries?

You may only think about cranberries around Thanksgiving, but this powerful superfood has several health benefits you can enjoy all year round. At E. Armata Inc., we are a leader among produce distributors at the Hunts Point Produce Market. We distribute fresh fruits, including cranberries, all year round for our customers to enjoy. Our team would like to share some of the numerous benefits of eating cranberries, so continue reading to learn more! 

What Are The Benefits Of Eating Cranberries?

Cranberries are considered by many to be a superfruit since they are a powerhouse of antioxidants and nutrients. These tart berries go beyond your favorite cocktail or Thanksgiving side dish. While most people enjoy cranberries in the form of a juice, fresh cranberries from the Hunts Point Produce Market are packed with numerous health benefits that can improve your diet. Here are some of the benefits of eating cranberries:

  • Inflammation – Since cranberries are packed with antioxidants, they have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Digestive Health – The compounds found in cranberries can put good bacteria into your digestive system and boost your digestive health. 
  • Heart Health – Cranberries can help lower your blood pressure and improve your cholesterol levels, which improves your overall heart health. 
  • Cavity Prevention – The a-type proanthocyanidins can help prevent bacteria from forming in the mouth. Cranberries can help prevent cavities and other oral health problems by controlling harmful acids in the mouth. 
  • UTI Management – If you are someone who is prone to UTIs, it can be beneficial to add cranberries to your diet, as this is one of the most well-known benefits of this fruit. 

There are plenty of ways to incorporate fresh cranberries into your diet. From trail mix to adding cranberries to oatmeal or salad, you can experience benefits that help your body. 

Contact Us

With powerful nutrients and proven health benefits, cranberries can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. If you’re considering adding fresh cranberries to your diet, E. Armata Inc. distributes this powerful superfood at the Hunts Point Produce Market. To learn more about the benefits of cranberries or for general inquiries, be sure to contact us today! 

Hunts Point Market Spring 2022

Fruits That Are In Season This Spring

As the warmer weather season comes around, many customers flock to the Hunts Point Market to round up high-quality seasonal produce to cook and eat with what’s fresh and flavorful. At E. Armata Inc., we always have a new selection of produce available. Buying fruits that are in this season this spring will taste better and cost less. Continue reading to discover the fruits that are in season this spring! 

Spring Fruits

While it’s standard to find most fruits and vegetables at any time of the year, choosing seasonal fruits from the Hunts Point Market is always the best option. Purchasing seasonal fruits is not only financially beneficial but there are several health benefits associated with eating fresh, seasonal fruits. Our team would like to share a seasonal fruit guide to help you discover what’s at peak flavor and freshness: 

  • Meyer Lemon – Meyer lemons are a sweeter lemon variety that can be a delicious addition to fruit salads, desserts, and cocktails. 
  • Cherries – Cherries have a short growing season from May to June. This nutritious and delicious fruit is a perfect addition to a pie or can be enjoyed as a healthy snack! 
  • Pineapple – This tropical fruit is best during the spring season. Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, enjoy them in desserts, dinners, or raw! 
  • Strawberries – Strawberries can be found all year round but taste best during the mid to late spring. These delicious berries have a strong, vibrant color and fragrant taste, so enjoy them at their best this season! 
  • Rhubarb – Rhubarb signals the arrival of spring, and these bright red stalks are delicious and tart in several desserts. However, avoid eating the leaves as they are toxic. 
  • Honeydew – Honeydew melon has a long season that starts in May. This colorful and delicious melon is a welcome addition to any fruit salad and is an excellent source of potassium! 

Contact The Hunts Point Market

When you shop for seasonal fruits at the Hunts Point Market, you can be sure that you are receiving top-quality produce from our team at E. Armata Inc. We pride ourselves on our relationships with growers and farmers and our ability to serve high-quality fruits and vegetables to our loyal customers. Be sure to contact us today to learn more about what’s in season this spring!