produce distributor in NYC

Our Eastern Vegetable Assortment

E. Armata doesn’t operate like other produce distributors in NYC. They run their business with something that can easily be forgotten by others, family values. Since the late 1800s, E. Armata Inc. has been serving New York the best quality produce they can offer. Even with just a small variety of fruits and vegetables, Erasmo Armata had extremely high standards. He knew the importance of quality, and that his customers deserved the best. The business has expanded with the help of Erasmo’s sons, grandsons and great-grandsons throughout the years. They were one of the first 128 companies to move into the Hunts Point market. This has allowed them to sell the best produce available at a larger scale to the New York City metropolitan area and beyond. No matter how larger their business grows, they maintain the same values of honor, quality, and hard work.

When it comes to selecting produce, our produce distributor in NYC is meticulous in selecting the right products from the right growers. Whether it’s berries or eastern vegetables, you know the product you will receive will be fresh and high-quality.

What eastern vegetables are offered:

When seeking eastern vegetables sold by produce distributors in NYC, E. Armata Inc. is the company to choose. We carry veggies harvested from Florida, Canada, Texas, and the entire east coast of the U.S. By becoming partners with top growers and shippers in various locations, we’ve been able to provide the highest quality produce for our customers. We constantly work to keep a fresh inventory so our customers are never disappointed. Our eastern vegetable inventory includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Beans
  • Okra
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplants
  • Peppers
    • Red, Green, Suntans, Mixed, Jalapeno, Long Hots
  • Green and Yellow squash
  • Beets
  • Raddish
  • Cilantro
  • Parsley
  • Cabbage
  • Mint

Recipes to consider:

When you visit E. Armata you’ll never go home without fresh vegetables for dinner. With all that’s available, why not try out some new recipes? As a top-quality produce distributor in NYC we offer eastern vegetables that can add a little something extra to the following recipes:

If you’re someone who values the importance of fresh vegetables, then E. Armata Inc., a produce distributor in NYC, is right for you. Check out our website for more information about our produce and how we operate.  

produce distributor in NYC

Healthy Thanksgiving Planning

E.Armata’s History:

produce distributor in NYC

Armata’s is a family run business dating back to the late 1800’s in NYC. Starting merely with lemons, Erasmo Armata began to slowly expand his business by adding in more produce as his customer demand increased. Erasmo only sold fruits and veggies that fit his standards, leading him to even send one of his sons to California to help E. Armata become the go-to spot for western vegetables sold in New York. As things began to change around the city, E. Armata’s found itself relocating to the Hunts Point market. With this move, E.Armata inc. became one the of the first 128 companies to move into this very location. Since then, E.Armata has sold nothing but the best of the best when it comes to being a produce distributor in NYC. Still operated by the same family with the same values of honor, quality, and hard work when it comes to their produce business.

Thanksgiving menu:

Every November people across the United States plan to celebrate one of their favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. Along with giving thanks, this holiday comes with one of our favorite menus. Filled with turkey, stuffing, and plenty of fruits and veggies there’s no way you’ll go to bed still hungry. From the beginning of our roots here in America, Thanksgiving has featured a turkey for dinner along with plenty of dishes featuring plenty of produce. Whether it’s heavy dishes like potatoes and stuffing or some healthier options like carrots and asparagus having a wide assortment is key to planning the perfect Thanksgiving menu. Keep in mind when your shopping for your Thanksgiving dinner that there is a produce distributor in NYC, E.Armata, that can help you put the highest quality produce onto your table.

Healthy Recipe ideas: 

produce distributor in NYC

Thanksgiving menus often feature a mix of healthy and unhealthy options. Not to worry though, there are plenty of healthy substitutes for your favorite dishes that can be added to the menu. By incorporating some of these recipes into your dinner you can help nourish your family without gaining holiday season weight. When planning your day, think about adding a few of these healthy alternatives to your menu that can be made with many items sold by E.Armata, a produce distributor in NYC:

There are plenty of ways to add some healthy dishes to your Thanksgiving! No matter what recipe you want to try out this year, know that E.Armata, a produce distributor in NYC, has you covered! With their endless supply of high-quality produce, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for. Make your Thanksgiving the best it can be by adding some healthy additions to the menu this year.


produce distributor in NYC


produce distributor in NYC

Things you can make with Zucchini

Zucchini Tips

Zucchini is an underused vegetable in the kitchen. Zucchini can be a dish itself or an accent to a meal. Zucchini’s versatility allows you to ditch some of your heavy carb meals and replace them with a lighter, healthier zucchini dish. You might be thinking, what can I make with zucchini? Well, the answer is you can use zucchini in all three meals of the day! E. Armata, a produce distributor in NYC, works directly with growers to distribute zucchini to your local “mom and pop” grocers.  

Have you thought to use zucchini in your pancakes?

Well, zucchini pancakes are a fantastic healthy breakfast alternative. Zucchini adds a sweet taste and a moist texture to your breakfast. Our produce distributor in NYC recommends adding pecans or walnuts to your pancakes to add the crunch you are looking for. Zucchini pancakes take 20 minutes to complete, and this recipe will feed 4-6 hungry zucchini lovers. Basic ingredients include:

  • 1 Cup Wheat Flour
  • 1 Cup Purpose Flour
  • 2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
  • 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 1 ½  Teaspoons Cinnamon
  • ½ Teaspoons Nutmeg
  • ½ Salt
  • 2 Cups Buttermilk
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1 Cup Zucchini
  • ½ Cup Chopped Pecans or walnuts
  • Butter and syrup to serve

Add the flours, brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt into one bowl. Then, combine the buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla and stir until they are mixed well. Then it is time to add your pecans or walnuts. Heat your griddle to mid-heat and pour about ¼ cup of batter for one pancake. Cook for one-two minutes and then repeat until you are out of batter. Your zucchini pancakes are now finished!

Zucchini ravioli is a staple dish you can make for lunch or dinner.

Zucchini ravioli is a healthier alternative to pasta ravioli. To make this delicious recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 zucchini from your produce distributor in NYC
  • 1 cup ricotta
  • ¼ cup parmesan
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup chopped spinach
  • 2 tablespoons basil
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ⅛ teaspoon pepper
  • 1 ½ cups marinara sauce

To top your ravioli:

  • ½ cup mozzarella
  • 2 tablespoons parmesan
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Basil

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees and peel your zucchini into long strips. In a separate bowl begin to mix ricotta, egg, parmesan, basil, spinach, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Next, cover the bottom of a pan with marinara sauce.

To turn your zucchini strips into ravioli, create a flat “T” shape on the counter, then add one spoonful of your filling in the center of the “T.” Overlap the zucchini strips, place your ravioli into your baking dish and add your toppings. Bake your ravioli for 30 minutes. Your delicious healthy alternative to pasta ravioli is now finished!  

With the help of your produce distributor in NYC, you now have great zucchini meals you can add to your cooking arsenal. If you have any questions, contact us today!


hunts point market

All About Oranges

Facts About Oranges

Oranges are a great snack or ingredient in many recipes. Their juicy, sweet, citrus taste not only refreshes you on a hot summer day but also has many health benefits such as boosting your immune system, improving your skin, and helping heart health.  E. Armata Inc., a produce distributor in NYC, sources a variety of vitamin-c enriched fruit from all around the world. With long-standing relationships with both growers and shippers, we always carry the freshest ingredients available all year-round.


Navels can be identified from their “button,” which can be found on the opposite end of their stem. Due to their seedless interior and sweet flavor, Navels are the perfect orange to eat or add to a salad.


When you think of what an orange looks like, you think of a Valencia. They are medium in size, have thinner skin and are filled with seeds. Because of this as well as their sweet, tart taste, they are best used to make juice.


Unlike other oranges, Satsumas have skin that is very loose which makes them easy to peel. This seedless, tangerine is often grown around the Gulf Coast in the U.S due to their cold hardiness.


Like their name implies, blood oranges are famous for their deep red flesh. At E.Armata, a produce distributor in NYC, we believe that because of their more tart flavor it makes them a great orange to use for both savory and sweet dishes.

Cara Cara

Harvested in California, these oranges may appear to be stereotypical but have a pink, red-tinted interior. Their sweet, bitter, tang allows the Cara Cara to be great to eat alone, and even better to add to a salad.


Clementines are small, making them the best to eat out of hand. Like a tangerine, they have a sweet flavor which makes them a popular choice to snack on in addition to their seedless interior.


Tangerines are smaller than oranges but have a brighter skin, bigger pores, and a looser peel. Because of their juiciness, they are great for eating on the go but also great to make a sweeter orange juice.


Also known as the “Honey Tangerine,” Murcotts are a cross between a tangerine and a sweet orange. They are easy to peel and have a rich flavor making them a popular choice for a produce distributor in NYC.


Minneolas are a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit and are nicknamed “The Honey Bell,” because of their bell shape. Seedless, large, and tart are all characteristics that set Minneolas apart.


Often mistaken as an unusually shaped orange, this bright red, fruit is a hybrid between a grapefruit and a tangerine. This is seen through their sweet taste and tart aftertaste.


Originated in Jamaica, Temple oranges are a mix of tangerines and oranges due to their sweet and tart mix of flavors. They also contain a high juice content which makes them a great snack, and great for juices and jams.

At E. Armata, a produce distributor in NYC, we provide the finest quality produce, along with first-rate service. If you are interested in learning more about our fruit and produce, contact us here.