Many individuals struggle to hit their daily fruit and vegetable quota. There are several ways to buy produce and store it properly to save money and make your purchases last longer. At E. Armata Inc., our produce distributors in Queens NY would like to share some of the best ways to buy produce when you decide to stock up on fruits and vegetables. Continue reading to learn more!
Best Way To Buy Produce?
Whether you’re shopping at your local grocery store or with our produce distributors in Queens NY, you should be mindful of finding the best possible deals on fresh produce. Here are some of the best ways to buy produce:
- Buy Seasonal – You should always attempt to buy in-season produce. Shopping seasonally will ensure you get the freshest, high-quality products for the best price.
- Try Frozen Fruits & Vegetables – Frozen fruits and vegetables are flash frozen at their peak freshness, so you’ll be getting all the nutrients of fresh produce without having to worry about spoiling.
- Shop Wholesale – Shopping with our produce distributors in Queens NY ensures you get the freshest produce at the best price.
- Know the Stock Rotation – Most supermarkets rotate stock so that older produce is moved forward and other new items are situated behind. Reach towards the back of the section for some more nutritious finds.
- Avoid Shopping Too Far Ahead – Planning in advance is excellent for meal prep and savings. However, some products can’t be expected to last more than a week from their purchase date. Stock up wisely the next time you shop for produce.
Knowing how to shop for your produce can help you save money and eat fresh all year round. E. Armata Inc. is among the largest wholesalers operating out of the Hunts Point Market that offers quality fresh produce to all customers. The next time you shop for fruits and vegetables, keep these tips in mind to ensure your purchases last longer, save you money, and taste the best.
Contact Our Produce Distributors in Queens NY
At E. Armata Inc., our produce distributors in Queens NY work with the most recognizable brands in the industry. When you shop with us, you are guaranteed to receive the freshest and highest quality produce. Be sure to contact us today to learn more about our wholesale operation!