Hunts Point Produce Market

The Benefits Of Buying Produce In The Fall

The Benefits Of Buying Produce In The Fall


It’s time to slip on your sweaters and hit your local market for the fall season. Every year, Americans celebrate fall traditions with apple or pumpkin picking. These fall traditions bring people together and encourage locals to buy from a market rather than a supermarket. At E. Armata Inc, located at the Hunts Point Produce Market, we want you to find nature’s perfect snack. Most of us pick up produce for the fall fun, but did you know buying from your local market has many benefits? Eating fresh veggies and fruits can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some other facts about produce:


  • Apples can give you more energy than coffee: Consider replacing your morning cup of joe with an apple. Apples are packed with high amounts of nutrition that can keep you energized throughout the day. They are rich in carbohydrates, which most people think you can only find in bread or pasta. Carbohydrates are fuel for the brain, which breaks down into a sugar called glucose, giving you energy for the rest of the day. 


  • Pumpkins and other produce can keep you hydrated: When the body gets dehydrated, we can get headaches, muscle aches, low blood pressure, and more. Pumpkins are 94 percent water, which is higher than the amount of water in watermelon. Other hydrating produce are strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, oranges, and cucumbers.


  • The skin on a fruit or vegetable has the most nutrition: Produce like apples, carrots, and cucumbers lose their nutritional value when you peel off the skin. Most produce have large amounts of fiber-packed in the skin, which can benefit your digestive health. However, other produce like oranges, watermelon, and avocados need to be peeled. Still, their rinds or skin are packed in nutritional value. 


  • Fall colors say a lot more than you think: Bright orange, red, dark greens, and even some purple vegetables can be packed with healthy nutrition. When carrots or pumpkins are bright orange, this tells us that they’re an excellent source of Vitamin A. Another example is dark green lettuce leaves, which are more nutritious than the lighter colored ones. Purple produce are also known for having cancer-fighting properties. 


At E. Armata Inc, located at the Hunts Point Produce Market, we want you to stay informed about seasonal fruits and vegetables. Call us today or visit our market located in Bronx, New York to learn more about the benefits of produce! 

Hunts Point Market

October is National Apple Month – Hunts Point Market

From The Hunts Point Market

October is National Apple Month, which means fall is one of the best times of the year to take a big juicy bite into a red apple. Aside from being festive and tasty, apples have a lot of health benefits. Here at E. Armata Inc., located at the Hunts Point Market, we advocate the many health benefits a plant-based diet can bring including apples. Although all fruits have some nutritional value, apples are unique for getting rid of toxins in our body and purifying our organs like the kidney, liver, and stomach. Here are some other reasons why eating an apple is good for your health:


  • They improve heart health: Apples have been shown to lower the risks of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. This is because apples have a high amount of soluble fiber, which lowers your blood cholesterol levels. There are also antioxidants packed inside the skin of the apple that help lower blood pressure.


  • They lower the risk of diabetes: Studies have shown that the micronutrition found in plant-based foods like apples can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. They prevent tissue damage in the pancreas, where beta cells produce insulin. In one study, eating an apple a day lowered the risk of type 2 diabetes by 28 percent. 


  • They promote good bacteria in your colon: Apples have high amounts of fiber that feed the good bacteria in your colon. Just one apple contains 4 grams of fiber.


  • They prevent cancer: Apples possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that can lower your chances of cancer. Procyanidins, a type of antioxidant found in apples, kill off cancer-causing cells in the body.


  • They sharpen your brain: Apple juice can help preserve certain neurotransmitters that lower in our brains as we age. These neurotransmitters link back to our memory. Low levels of these neurotransmitters can cause Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.


  • They protect stomach cells: Certain painkillers and medications can damage the stomach lining, but apples have two plant-based compounds that protect the stomach cells from injury.


  • Regulate bowel movements: Those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and frequent constipation or diarrhea can control these symptoms by eating fruits high in fiber content like apples. 



If you want to incorporate apples into your diet, come visit the Hunts Point Market in the Bronx, New York to get quality apples provided by the E. Armata Inc.

Halloween Apple Bites Recipe

Recipe Courtesy Fork and Beans



  1. Cut the middles out of each quarter of the apple to create a mouth. It does not need to be perfect; you are filling this gap with sunbutter so if you cut too deep, it’s easily covered.
  2. Coat the inside of the cut gap with a filling of sunflower butter.
  3. Place 4 sunflower seeds on the top of the “mouth” for the teeth.
  4. Place 1 sliced strawberry inside the mouth for the tongue.
  5. “Glue” each eye above the mouth with a dab of sunbutter to stick.
  6. Serve with a smile.