Warm summer weather is right around the corner, and as temperatures rise, our taste buds may crave a slice of melon. Watermelon and cantaloupe are popular snacks and desserts between their low calorie and high water content and sweet flavor. E. Armata Inc. is proud to be among the leading produce distributors in Massachusetts of melons with year-long supplies of cantaloupes and watermelons. If you’re a fan of fresh melon, continue reading to discover the healthiest option!
Cantaloupe vs. Watermelon
Most people have their favorites when it comes to melons. While each variety of melon contains unique nutritional properties, our produce distributors in Massachusetts would like to focus on cantaloupe and watermelon. Here are some of the key differences between these fruits:
- Contains more beta-carotene than watermelon.
- Excellent source of potassium.
- Contains more niacin and folate.
- Contains more vitamin C than watermelon.
- Contains 125% more dietary fiber.
- Contains more lycopene than a cantaloupe.
- Contains less sodium and more phosphorus.
- Watermelon is sweeter than a cantaloupe.
- Contains more iron than a cantaloupe.
- Contains less fat.
While watermelon and cantaloupe are both healthy options, cantaloupe surpasses the nutritional benefits of watermelon. When choosing the perfect melon, there are a few things our team at E. Armata Inc. would like you to know. The perfect cantaloupe or watermelon should be firm and heavy for its size to ensure perfect ripeness. If you’re looking for ways to use melons this summer besides eating them raw, here are a few suggestions from our produce distributors in Massachusetts:
- Add melon to a salad for a sweet touch.
- Make refreshing frozen ice pops by pureeing melon with sugar and lime juice.
- Infuse your water with melon for a delicious summertime beverage.
- Add melon to your smoothie for a sweet, mild flavor.
Contact Our Produce Distributors in Massachusetts
E. Armata Inc. is well-known in the industry as being a long-time supplier of watermelons, cantaloupes, and other melon varieties. Our long partnerships with growers across the globe have allowed us to serve our loyal customers best. For more health information about melon varieties or other general inquiries, be sure to contact our produce distributors in Massachusetts today!