The Health Benefits Of Herbs
What Are Herbs?
To simplify what an herb is; herbs are the leaves from certain plants that are used for flavor or garnish with a variety of dishes. Herbs can also be used medicinally or in fragrances. If you are in the Hunts Point Market and are looking for herbs, then you should contact E. Armata Inc.
E. Armata Inc. carries the following herbs:
- Basil
- Dill
- Sage
- Rosemary
- Cilantro
- Oregano
- Thyme
- Mint
- Savory
- Tarragon
- Marjoram
- Chives
Herbs can benefit your health in many ways. Both rosemary and sage help with brain function, particularly with your memory. Sage inhibits the breakdown of acetylcholine, which is a chemical in the brain. As we get older acetylcholine levels tend to drop which has been linked to Alzheimer’s. Rosemary is also said to help reduce nasal congestion associated with allergies.
Another herb that has significant health benefits is mint. Peppermint, in particular, may help with the symptoms caused by irritable bowel syndrome. The oil in peppermint acts as an anti-inflammatory medicine. It has been said to reduce nausea, abdominal swelling, and relaxes muscles in the colon which relieves pain during bowel movements. Even when mint is used for aromatherapy, it has also been claimed to reduce nausea.
If you’re in the Hunts Point Market, you may consider picking up some basil. Basil is also said to reduce nausea but has other medicinal uses as well. Basil may be help treat skin disorders such as acne when boiled. This method can also be used on insect bites and stings to sooth the affected skin. Basil may also help reduce coughing associated with colds and may reduce your blood pressure as well.
If you’re curious more health benefits from consuming herbs and you are in the Hunts Point Market area, then head on down to E. Armata Inc. Contact us today!