Hunts Point Market

Incorporate More Fruits and Vegetables Into Your Child’s School Lunches

It can be quite a challenge to incorporate fruits and vegetables in your child’s diet. Whether you are packing your child’s lunch yourself or having them buy school lunch, it is important they are receiving the proper nutrients. You may ask how much is enough for your children. It is recommended that a child receives at least 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables each day, however the more fruit and vegetables the better! It is important that a child gets an efficient amount of fruits and vegetables to help promote their growth and strengthen their immune systems. You can find a range of fresh fruits and vegetables for your child provided by E. Armata Inc.  located at the Hunts Point Market 

How Can Incorporate More Fruits and Vegetables Into Your Child’s School Lunches

Many children are picky eaters, and getting them to eat fruits and vegetables is not easy. It can be hard to make fruits and vegetables appealing to your child. Below are some ways to help your child give fruits and veggies a chance

  • Smoothies– you can put almost any fruit or veggie into a smoothie. Most of the time, your child won’t even be able to taste the vegetables in it!
  • Healthy Dip– Dip is the perfect way to introduce your child to a variety of vegetables. You can mix yogurt with seasonings and dip with veggies like broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower. 
  • Sandwiches & Wraps- Make sure to always incorporate fruits or vegetables into your child’s sandwiches. Vegetables like lettuce, tomato, cucumber on savory sandwiches or bananas and strawberries on a SunButter sandwich for a more sweet sandwich are all great tips.
  • Homemade Trail Mix– This is the perfect snack to pack in your child’s lunch box. Mix dried fruits with different kinds of nuts to make a tasty snack to bring your child to school with. 
  • Dessert – Making homemade desserts like brownies or pudding actually enable you to incorporate veggies. Take a look at this avocado-based pudding recipe or this spinach infused brownie recipe for some inspiration.

These fruit and vegetable incorporated foods are simple ways to get them excited for fruits and vegetables!

E. Armata Inc. is the leading produce wholesaler in the Tri-State area providing our customers with the highest quality produce. Whether you are a large retailer or a small grocer, contact E. Armata Inc. at the Hunts Point Market today to see how we can best serve your customers!

Produce Distributors in the Bronx

The Best Uses For Coconut

Coconut Uses

Coconuts aren’t just a tropical fruit: they actually have an array of different uses and benefits that we can incorporate into our healthy lifestyles. At E. Armata, a produce distributor in the Bronx, we sell a wide variety of tropicals like coconuts to help you receive all of the benefits and uses that they have to offer.

Coconut Water

When coconuts are used before they become ripe, the inside is mostly water instead of the white “flesh” that coconuts are known to have. Not only is coconut water delicious, but it is also highly nutritious. Coconut water contains only 46 calories in one serving size (one cup) as well as nutrients such as vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, protein, fiber, potassium, and sodium to name a few.

As a produce distributor in the Bronx, we source only the finest coconuts grown globally. Because of our emphasis on quality, this allows our many partnering retailers to provide the best for their customers.

Coconut Oil

The oil that is made from the flesh of the coconut is considered a “superfood.” The reason for this is that coconut oil provides an incredible amount of unique health benefits such as:

  • Fat loss

Because of the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) within the coconut oil itself, your body can burn a significantly higher amount of fat than longer chain fats.

  • Improvements in the immune system

The fatty acids from coconut oil have been shown to kill dangerous pathogens within the body such as the yeast that is responsible for most yeast infections.

  • Hair, skin, and teeth health

Did you know that you don’t actually have to eat coconut oil for you to experience its benefits? Coconut oil has been shown to protect your hair against dangerous UV rays as well as provide ample moisture for your skin.

  • Cooking purposes

Substituting other oils such as butter or vegetable oil with coconut oil is a great, healthy alternative when cooking because coconut oil may provide you with a much more nutritious dish than traditional oils.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk is made from the white flesh of the coconut and is used as a lactose-free dairy substitute for those that are lactose intolerant or eat a dairy-free diet for other reasons. Not only is it easy on the stomach, but it is chock-full of essential nutrients such as fiber, calcium, and vitamin C.

If you are interested in learning more about the uses of coconuts and want to experience the benefits for yourself, contact our produce distributor in the Bronx today!

Produce Distributors in NYC

All About Mushrooms


Mushrooms are an earthy, nutrient-dense food that grows right from the soil we live on. Mushrooms are also great in protecting the body because they contain germanium– an important mineral that helps us to use oxygen and defend ourselves from free radicals. There is an array of different types of mushrooms that offer their own benefits and uses.

E. Armata, a produce distributor in NYC, has an immense variety of mushrooms and can help you pick out the best one for your needs.

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