Our Year Round Tropicals Assortment
E. Armata Inc. is a family run business that was one of the first 128 companies to move into the Hunts Point market. Over the years, their core values of honor, quality, and hard work have helped them to grow their inventory while also providing top quality produce to NYC. At E. Armata Inc., our top priority is customer care and service. This is why we strive to provide not only top quality but a variety of produce for our customers. Since we’ve expanded our facility, we’ve imported a full line of tropical fruits and vegetables from South America. By increasing our assortment, we’ve been able to provide a fresh supply of tropical produce daily for our diverse consumers.
Benefits of Tropical Fruits:
Tropical fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that are super healthy! While most people believe tropical fruits are only fresh in the summer, that’s not the case. When shopping with E.Armata Inc. at the Hunts Point Market, you can get fresh tropical produce even in the winter! The health benefits of tropical produce are endless. Just to name a few, here are some reasons you should stock the fridge with some of your tropical favorites:
- They include protein-digesting enzymes that can help reduce inflammation
- They include about ⅓ of your daily vitamin B6 needs
- They’re able to reduce the risk of certain cancers
- They offer a fresh dose of Vitamin C
- They have high levels of antioxidant phenolic compounds that are good for your kidneys
What tropicals can be found at the Hunts Point Market:
At E. Armata Inc. we work towards achieving our goal of complete customer satisfaction every day. By providing a high-quality line of tropical produce year-round, we’re able to offer more than our competition. With our regularly fresh selection, everyone should be able to have tropical fruits and veggies in their kitchen. When you shop or order from E.Armata Inc. at the Hunts Point market you’ll be able to purchase some of these tropicals, while also obtaining their many health benefits:
- Yellow and Green Bananas
- Bananas are loaded with vitamins A, B, C, Potassium, and the amino acid Tryptophan.
- Aloe Vera Leaves
- Avocados
- Filled with good fats, as well as vitamins C, E, B, potassium, and omega-3’s.
- Taro Root
- Coconuts
- The white flesh of the coconut is filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.
- Their water is also filled with electrolytes
- Yuca
- Papaya
- A rich source of vitamins, fiber, and carotene that all aid in the digestion process.
If you’re looking for fresh produce, especially tropicals, then E. Armata Inc. is the place to go. With a growing variety of produce, there’s nothing you can’t find. Contact us at the Hunts Point market to learn more!