Halloween is just a few weeks away and it’s hard to not get carried away with all the candy and sweets. Having sweets during Halloween isn’t bad, but it’s super easy to make those snacks and desserts somewhat healthy. At E. Armata we care about your nutrition and we understand that sometimes it’s hard to stay on track during the holiday season, but with these recipes, we can show you how to still make fun, Halloween treats without completely sacrificing health. Halloween candy is mainly targeted at kids, but adults fall into it too which is why these recipes are great for kids and adults. If you are looking for healthy produce in the Hunts Point Produce Market, learn what our assortment can offer you during this spooky Month!
Check out these recipes:
Veggie Skeleton:

Vegetables look more fun and tasty when they’re in fun shapes. This recipe is super easy and diverse. It can also be made out of fruits too, whatever you decide! Essentially, you choose whatever fruits and/or vegetables you want and form them to look like a skeleton. A popular one is using carrots or celery sticks for the bones, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes for torso and feet, ranch dipping sauce cup for the head, and maybe some olives for the eyes. You can find all of these at E.Armata Inc, located at the Hunts Point Produce Market. Kids can be picky but they are more willing to try new things when they look fun and enjoyable.
Pumpkin Dippers:

This recipe is super easy and cute to make. Layer the bottom of the serving tray with hummus, plain or choice of flavor. Then cut carrots into circles, chop up small pieces of fresh parsley, and connect them with a toothpick. This makes them look like little “pumpkins” and become more appealing and festive than boring carrots. You can make as many as you need. They are healthy, unmessy and easy to make and eat. Hummus, carrots, and parsley are all good for you so this recipe promotes health without ruining flavor or appeal.
Banana Ghosts:

This treat is a little sweeter than the previous two and super easy to make. Start by peeling a few bananas and cutting them in half. Then, stick a popsicle stick into the flat part of the banana. For the face, you can use milk or dark chocolate chips and for the mouth use raisins (plain or chocolate covered). They’re quick, easy and your kids will love them! Find fresh bananas every day at E. Armata!
At E. Armata, we are family run and have been in business for over 100 years. Being a 4th generation business, we are one of the largest produce distributors in Hunts Point Produce Market. Our priority is fresh, quality produce for you and your family. We want our customers to live a healthy lifestyle, even during the holidays. We understand that it’s harder to do this during the holiday season and we’re here to guide you. We provide an ongoing list of healthy produce, recipes, and blogs that you can try at home to make your family live a better lifestyle. For more information, give us a call!